Happy New Year everyone!
The new year is already three days old and I still hadn't had the time to write a New Years entry in my blog. Such a shame!
I hope that everybody had a great New Years Eve! Mine was really good. As the past few years I celebrated the change of years with my wife and some of our best friends. We started having some nice food from the raclette grill, watched a short film I have to see every New Years Eve (it's called "Dinner for one" and is some sort of tradition in Germany) and then we had our secret santa we do every year. And what should I say? A friend of mine gifted me the Witcher III GotY Edition for my PS4! I was absolutly stunned when I opened my present, as I never would have guessed to get such a great game! Well, I haven't played it by now as since my son was born I don't have as much gaming time as I used to have. But now as I own it... Well, I do have to play it! And I'm really looking forward to it!
Afterwards we played a game of Concept. But as we played it with a group of friends which stoick together for quite some time now and which also form our Pathfinder RPG group we decided to write our own Concept cards with terms that we link with our friends. It was a blast! Have you ever tried to describe things like "Critical Hit" or "Blacklight Miniature Golf"? Not as easy as it seems. But funny as hell! 23:55 we decided to end the game, as one of my friends was in lead with 22 points and the first runner up had 6 or 8...
The next morning after breakfast we decided to play a round of "Eat, poop, you, cat", because we didn't manage to play it the night before. Eat, poop, you, cat or "Das lustige Heftspiel" as we call it (the funny notebook game) is something we play more or less regularly and we have these big Notebooks we use for it. I'm not sure but in every book there are at least something like 10 games at least and it's always a blast to look through them again before the start of a new game. Unfortunatly right now I don't have any pictures at hand that I can show you, but I will make sure that I will take some of the great pictures that have been drawn, as we have to friends in our group of six that can paint really, really well!
Last but not least I started my playthrough of "Shadow of Mordor" yesterday (yes, yes, I know: I'm quite late with that one too!) on my PS4. I'm only 6 or 7 hours into the game by now (I didn't had to go to work yesterday and also had some free time in the evening) and so far I like it. I think the Nemesis system is quite clever and I created some new captains until I finally got the combat system right. Since then I'm somewhat of a menace of the Uruks in Mordor. Well, let's hope that it will stay this way! But I won't continue this game before tomorrow evening as today I have my regular boardgaming group and we plan to take on the second scenario of our Dunwhich Legacy playthrough.
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